Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lemon Greek Chicken

This is one of our favorite ways of making chicken. This lone drumstick was the last to be eaten, which I did as soon as the picture was taken. This recipe is so easy and has lots of flavor. The first time I made it was when my daughters and I made a Greek-inspired dinner for our family and this dish got the best reviews, so I knew it was a keeper. I've made it several times since then and like to pair it with roasted potatoes.

Lemon Greek Chicken

3-4 lb cut-up chicken pieces
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon dried oregano
2 lemons, squeezed

Rub chicken with lemon juice and marinade for one hour. Place chicken in a roasting pan and pour the olive oil and melted butter over the chicken. Season with the seasonings. Roast at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour.


  1. Darcy, thanks or joining Friday Potluck again this week! This recipe sounds great -- I really love the simple things.


  2. Oh, YUMM-O!! I love all-things greek, all-things chicken AND all-things lemon...I'm thinking this will be a winner for sure :)


  3. Yum--two of my favorite things--lemon and chicken. Can't wait to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Chicken and lemon is one of my favorite combinations... I'll add this one to my "must make" recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  5. OH, I love it when I am trying to photograph something and there is nothing left. It speaks a lot for how delicious it is. This sounds fabulous. Thanks.
