Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Packing Lunches and Cooking for Two

I will be taking my lunch with me to work these days, so having a list of different menus seemed like a good idea. Peanut butter and jelly can get old pretty fast, and since it's back-to-school time, many websites and blogs are focusing on just that subject. I found an extensive list of ideas over at the Hillbilly Housewife website that I will be printing out and hanging up on the side of my refrigerator where I keep my menu plan for easy access.
And, now that it's just my husband and me at home (we just dropped our last child off at college last weekend), and now that I'm working outside of the home, cooking will be a little different. For one thing, we just don't need to make as much food as we used to, and I won't be doing most of the cooking anymore. My husband likes to cook and this is a good time for him to get back into it. The crockpot will be a very valuable tool. I also plan on making double recipes of some of our favorite recipes and freezing the second half for future meals.
What are some of your favorite meals to make for the crockpot, for lunches, or for making ahead and popping into the freezer? This is a big change for us and I could sure use some ideas!


  1. That's one scary photo! I'm new here and see lots of great things. I will be looking around!

  2. Love Hillbilly Housewife! Use her menus and other things on a weekly basis!!

  3. I feel ill looking at that pic as well. I do hope it is a fake!
    What I like about my crock pot is not having a recipe. I like to throw in whatever vegies, meat and seasoning and enjoy a meal at the end!
    If you have access to a fridge & microwave at work the crock & casseroles meals should be good. My husband always liked left overs. Myself, if I need a packed lunch I do a tossed salad & my kids usually like cold meat and salad on a bread roll.
